Friday, August 23, 2013

The Judge

Back in the mid to late 80's I had just finished up a 1 year program at a local Technical School. I soon began interviewing for a job. I was hired after my very first interview. I would be wearing a suit and tie every day. Well, I was flat broke and had no clothes suitable. A good friend's father was a retired US District Court Judge. My friend took me to see his father. His father gave me several hundred dollars worth of suits from his own closet. Needless to say I was stunned. I told him that I couldn't possibly repay him. He said, "Yes you can." He said "I believe in you. I believe you can make something of yourself. And when you have made something of yourself and you see someone else needing a hand, do it. You will treasure the memory of it for the rest of your days." He is right. I have passed it on on more than one occasion and treasure each memory.

Love to hear what you think!