_ A man died, realizing God saw that it was coming and was carrying a suitcase with him.
_ God said:
_ Well son, it’s time to go.
_ The amazed man asked:
_ Already? Already? He had many plans….
_ I’m sorry, but it’s time you leave.
_ What do you have in the bag? Asked the man, and God answered:
_ Your belongings! – …
_ My belongings??
_ You bring my stuff, my clothes, my money?
_ God replied:
_ That never belonged, were of the earth.
_ You bring my memories?
_ They never belonged, were the time.
_ You bring my talents?
_ They do not belong, were the circumstances.
_ You bring my family and friends?
_ I’m sorry, they never belonged, were the way.
_ You bring my wife and my kids?
_ They never belonged, were of your heart.
_ You bring my body?
_Never I belonged, that was the dust.
_ So bring my soul?
_ No! That is mine.
_ Then the man filled with fear, God snatched open the suitcase and realized it was empty…..
_ With a tear of helplessness welling in her eyes, the man said:
_ I never did anything?
_ Yes had every one of the moments you lived were only yours.
_ Life is just a moment… !
A moment yours!
So while you’re on time, enjoy it in its entirety.
_ I think anything that belongs to you stop you….
_ Live in the now!
_ Live your life..!
_ Do not forget to BE HAPPY, that is all that is really worth it!
_ Material things and everything else you fought for, stay here!
Rate whom you value, do not waste time with those who never cared about you.